Monday, June 16, 2008

Police Open Day in Liverpool

invite you to a

Community Open Day

St Anne Street Police Station, St Anne Street, Liverpool 3


between 10am and 2pm.

Meet the Drugs dog and walk through the knife arch before seeing the horses and having your fingerprints taken during a tour of the station.

Come along and meet the officers and staff who police your area.

Parking is provided at Everton Sports Centre and shuttle buses will provide transport to and from the station.

Additional dates for your diary where the KND Police Team / PCSO's will be

Sat 28th June Newsham Park Arts Event 11am - 5pm.

Friday 4th July Frenzy Club Event at St Francis of Assisi School -
this is a diversionary activity for 13 - 16 year olds from the Kensington area and further information of times and cost will be available from Chris Flood at C7.

Sat 12th July Kensington Fun Day at The Police Club Fairfield, a
great day out for all of the family, plenty of events and fund raising activities.

and finally............... commencing in June and on the last Thursday of every month there will be a Police Surgery being held between 4pm and 6pm at the
Life Bank, Quorn Street, L7 where residents are invited to come along and have their say about local issues or concerns on a one to one basis with a Police Officer or PCSO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I sniff the drugs dog