Monday, February 04, 2008

Independent newspaper campaign to save Sayed Pervez Kambaksh

My friend Susan Watson has suggested I carry this story as it contributes to the debate about blogging, why we do it, who reads it and how it works.

In this country I can write pretty much what I like on my blog but in other countries people are facing the death penalty for reading and sharing entries, not even just for writing them.

Please sign the petition calling upon our Government to help save Sayed Pervez Kambaksh here

The full story about how Sayed Pervez Kambaksh found himself in this terrible situation is here

Since this article was written the Afghan Senate has withdrawn its support for the death sentence in this case, but others remain to be convinced. Your support on the petition would be great.

Your thoughts on freedoms would also be welcome

1 comment:

The Daily Pundit said...

RAWA is asking its readers and supporters to email the Office of the Afghan President and the UN Mission.