Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kensington Remembers 2011 - Planning Meeting

"Kensington Remembers" will once again be commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day with a special event of remembrance and reflection in January 2011, open to people from across Merseyside.

The event will focus on the Holocaust, but also other genocides and tragedies that have been experienced by communities of people now living in our area, including Jewish, Congolese, Darfurian, Kosovan, Kurdish, Polish, Roma, Rwandan.

Last year more than 500 people were involved in our programme.

We are holding a meeting on October 13th at 5.30pm at St Francis of Assisi Academy, Gardners Drive, Fairfield, L6 7UR to which we would like to invite anyone who would like to be involved in the event, either as a performer or as a volunteer.

Please come and please tell people who you think might want to play an active role, too.


Anonymous said...

I'm interested in helping as a volunteer but am away when the planning meeting is being held. What shall I do?

Louise Baldock said...

Hello Anon, that is not a problem, just send me an email on louise dot baldock at liverpool dot gov dot uk and I will arrange to meet you separately and chat about what you might like to do. There will be others in the same position I am sure, Best wishes, Louise