Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tale of two fetes

Last Saturday was the Newsham Park Festival, Lisa Harrison of St Francis of Assisi Academy had put in a tremendous amount of work with a supporting cast of thousands, but even she could not do anything about the dreadful weather.

Today was the Kensington Fun Day (ironically they hold it in Fairfield, but let's not get too parochial about it). The weather was lovely, sunny and warm, once again lots of stalls had packed up by the time we got there, but this time it was because they had sold out of all their goods and given away all their tombola prizes. Everyone was wandering round looking shell-shocked, pointing to the sky and asking each other what the blue stuff was! I particularly enjoyed the Kensington Community Choir who sang some great old songs from the 60s mainly. We met lots of our community friends from the different residents groups and everyone had had a great day.

Here is a photo from last week at Newsham Park, Michael from the Kensington Clean Team joining in with the big clear-up after the day's event.

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