Sunday, March 25, 2007

Anti-terrorist police to help out in our elections

At the Town Hall elections briefing last week we learnt that some of the policing, on polling day in particular, will be undertaken by officers who are ordinarily engaged in anti-terrorist policing on the docks.

I asked those gathered, from all parties, to think about this before making vexatious and silly complaints about each other, trying to unsettle each other's campaigns. We shouldnt be diverting police from such important work.

I dont suppose it will make any difference though, the LibDems appear to have a tame solicitor in their pocket who writes acres of letters throughout the election period every year accusing us of all sorts, from telling lies to slander and libel and including photos of people in our leaflets whose relatives dont like it. To no effect I have to say but they do like to think it will demoralise us. What they dont realise is that we pin them all up on the wall in the campaign centre and no court case has ever ensued so I think it distracts them a lot more than it distracts us!

When you have the scent of victory in your nostrils nothing gets you down

Mind you, Cllr Radford says he has had his car fire-bombed and suspects a political opponent - no names no pack drill. Perhaps we do need thoser anti-terrorist police after all?

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