Thursday, June 16, 2011

Central Youth Club wins city award for weekend programme

The young people, staff and management committee of Central Youth Club, Walker Street, Phythian, Kensington, L6 were delighted and honoured to receive an award from Plus Dane Housing Association  for their weekend programme of activity.

Julie Tomlinson, the Youth Engagement Manager, Enterprising Neighbourhoods from the Plus Dane Group told me that "Central Youth Club won the Plus Dane 'Youth Project' Award. The young people recognised the support the centre receives from volunteers and the weekend opening and detached work. The volunteers and the staff clearly have the needs of the children and young people in the neighbourhoods they work in at the heart of everything they do."

The weekend programme was supported in 2009/10 and 2010/11 by the Kensington and Fairfield councillors utilising the Labour Government's Working Neighbourhood Fund. Unfortunately this has now been scrapped by the LibDem/Tory Government and the money is not there any more, so it is a bitter sweet moment. An award for the club for truly great work was awarded as the programme drew to an end. From memory we paid around £50k last year and £30k the year before, from funds of around £120k or so, each year. The money paid for the running costs of the club to be open (heat, light, etc), the staff and management of the club, activity costs etc, for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Manager Marie Wallenfang was the surprised recipient of the award, seen here with Julie and with Councillor Steve Munby.

Local people in Kensington have made their priorities very clear to their councillors many times in many different consultation opportunities - we want more for our young people to do, to keep them happily active and involved and out of trouble. And it was this drive, and our work with the youth club over the last five years, that ensured that we funded this project.

I have a very full report of the programme, which runs to 19 pages and explains where the young people live who use the youth club, their colour, age, gender etc. It also details their activities and the exciting projects they have undertaken. If you would like a copy, please let me know.

And if anyone has £50k to help keep the club going, please let me know that too!

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