Press release from Liverpool AntiFascists
The British National Party's candidate in the upcoming Croxteth council By-Election has a conviction for violently assaulting a political opponent during the European elections two years ago.
The By-Election is being held due to the recent death of Labour's popular and much loved Councillor Rose Bailey and the resignation of Liberal Democrat Councillor Phil Moffatt. The BNP's chosen candidate is Peter Tierney, who owns the Quiggins Attique antique shop on Aigburth Road, is considered a "super-activist" by the party.
In April 2008, Tierney used a camera tripod to whack a trade unionist and anti-fascist campaigner across the head from behind. The wound had to be glued together in hospital. He pleaded not guilty on the grounds of self-defence, but after viewing the CCTV footage, a jury unanimously found him guilty of assault and causing actual bodily harm.
Commenting on his decision to stand, a spokesperson for Liverpool Antifascists said; "Peter Tierney is just the latest in a long line of high-profile BNP candidates with criminal records for violence.
"That he is so highly regarded by his party in Liverpool and nationally demonstrates that, despite token efforts to clean-up their image, violence and intimidation against political opponents remains part of their strategy. His brother, Andrew, has said that those who oppose the BNP are 'fair game. Local organiser Mike Whitby has promised that anti-fascists' identities will end up on 'a website far worse than Red Watch,' the hate site which has inspired attacks on activists' homes and families."
"In the 2010 General Election and in every local election they have contested, the BNP have been roundly rejected by the people of Liverpool. When they recently tried to campaign in the City Centre, they were chased off the streets - twice. Liverpool Antifascists hopes that the people of Croxteth show the same good sense and give this fascist thug the boot."
The Croxteth By-Election will take place on Thursday 18th November.
Louise Baldock was a Labour Councillor in the city of Liverpool for two terms, 2006 - 2014. This was her award-winning blog, written mainly as a councillor about issues affecting Kensington and Fairfield ward, sometimes as a politician, and sometimes simply personal commentary. Although she thought she might rekindle the blog after May 2015, she has now changed her mind and leaves this as an archive and record.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What's on at KCLC this month?
WHAT's ON at Kensington Community Learning Centre
Your local “Information and Skills for All” Centre
Thursday 28th October
1pm to 4pm Digital Photography. Come along to our fun Digital Photography Taster Workshop and see how to capture, download and edit images.
Tuesday 2nd November
1pm Community EBAY project. Want to learn how to set up and operate your own EBAY trading account? Or generate income through selling your unwanted items through KCLC’s community trading account? YES? Then this fun workshop is for you!!
Thursday 11th November
1pm-3pm Community Policing Event. Find out more on how to deal with Crime Prevention, Anti Social Behaviour and joining Homewatch schemes.
Saturday 13th November
10am to 4pm Scrapbooking Crop. Come along to our popular Cropping Events and learn how to do all things “Crafty”. Cost for the workshop is £8 but this includes lunch, materials AND you get to keep all the items you make!!
23rd and 24th November
10am Volunteering Workshops. In partnership with Volunteer Centre Liverpool – come along to one of our two morning workshops to find out about the rewards of volunteering.
Thursday 2nd December
10am to 2pm Xmas Crop. Christmas Card and Gift Box making Workshop. Come and make really impressive handmade cards and gift boxes. £3 fee includes TWO gift boxes for you to take home.
EVERY MONDAY L6 CREDIT UNION hold a weekly surgery at KCLC – 10.30 to noon
EVERY TUESDAY Citizens Advice Bureau hold a weekly drop in service 10am to noon
EVERY WEDNESDAY JOB CLUB in partnership with Working Links and other employment specialists. 10am to 2pm.
EVERY WEDNESDAY Fancy getting to grips with IT? Come along to our initial assessments and let us find a course for you. From 1pm.
EVERY THURSDAY Scrapbook and Cardmaking Sessions. From 9.30 to 12 noon.
ENROL NOW !! Our next round of non accredited ESOL courses start Monday 8th November. Limited places available. Book early to avoid disappointment.
291-299 KENSINGTON (opposite McDonalds)
Tel.. 0151 260 1006
Fire Support Network - free stuff to make your home safe
To sign up please attend your local Sure Start Childrens Centre - in Kensington that is on Brae Street/Quorn Street, the Life Bank.
To sign up please attend your local Sure Start Childrens Centre - in Kensington that is on Brae Street/Quorn Street, the Life Bank.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Kensington Community Learning Centre - ESOL courses
Kensington Community Learning Centre, Liverpool
Non accredited ESOL (English as a second language) courses that will start on Monday 8th November.
We have 2 classes starting – 1 Beginners and 1 Intermediate. There are only a few places left on the Intermediate course. Potential students need to enrol at the Centre as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
We have two classes starting:
Beginners 9:30am
Intermediate 11.30am
Kensington Community Learning Centre
291-299 Kensington (opposite McDonalds)
Tel. 0151 260 1006
I bet you know someone who would really love to come on this course, please tell them, tell everyone, let's get a really good crew together. Lots of people in Kensington don't have English as their first language but would love to learn, this is our chance to help them to achieve that. Cheers!
Non accredited ESOL (English as a second language) courses that will start on Monday 8th November.
We have 2 classes starting – 1 Beginners and 1 Intermediate. There are only a few places left on the Intermediate course. Potential students need to enrol at the Centre as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
We have two classes starting:
Beginners 9:30am
Intermediate 11.30am
Kensington Community Learning Centre
291-299 Kensington (opposite McDonalds)
Tel. 0151 260 1006
I bet you know someone who would really love to come on this course, please tell them, tell everyone, let's get a really good crew together. Lots of people in Kensington don't have English as their first language but would love to learn, this is our chance to help them to achieve that. Cheers!
Oxjam - Liverpool Mash Up!
The Picket Liverpool is pleased to announce this show taking place next Monday 25th October in support of the OXJAM music Festival.
OXJAM is Oxfam’s month-long music festival with hundreds of events around the UK,
...all organised by people who know and love their local music scene.
The Picket Liverpool, David Charles and Oxjam present
"She updates classic soul and R&B for her generation, ranging from Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and Sarah Vaughan to more modern purveyors like Jill Scott, Erykah Badu and the Roots".
“As always KOF delivers. KOF’s journey is one that should not be missed” – Ngunan Adamu, BBC.
KOF’s new single ‘Fire it up’ feat Wiley and Chelcee Grimes is currently out on Amazon, iTunes.
"You’ll want to keep their existence a secret, because everyone is going to want a piece of them; but it’s a useless endeavour because this band should be heard and that’s something you just can’t surpress".
The band consists of four guys who love nothing more than to play music, with a collection of songs that will set any gig, room and audience alive. About to tour nationwide as support to The Holloways.
Enjoy their magic.
A local MC who’s lyrical talent and word play had amazed many and raised a following; D-boy has been showcasing his talent around the city of Liverpool and with an EP in the works.
This will be the perfect atmosphere to witness possibly the next best thing to emerge from the city that has witnessed so many talents.
Plus DJs, Raffle.
MORE INFORMATION: Contact, David Charles, 07799292420.
Local music, global impact.
Monday 25th October 7pm-12.
The Picket
61 Jordan Street,
Venue Office:0151 708 6789
Oxfam GB is a registered charity,
(England and Wales No202918, Scotland SCO039042) & a member of Oxfam International.
Oxfam works with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering.
The Picket is supported by the City of Liverpool
OXJAM is Oxfam’s month-long music festival with hundreds of events around the UK,
...all organised by people who know and love their local music scene.
The Picket Liverpool, David Charles and Oxjam present
"She updates classic soul and R&B for her generation, ranging from Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and Sarah Vaughan to more modern purveyors like Jill Scott, Erykah Badu and the Roots".
“As always KOF delivers. KOF’s journey is one that should not be missed” – Ngunan Adamu, BBC.
KOF’s new single ‘Fire it up’ feat Wiley and Chelcee Grimes is currently out on Amazon, iTunes.
"You’ll want to keep their existence a secret, because everyone is going to want a piece of them; but it’s a useless endeavour because this band should be heard and that’s something you just can’t surpress".
The band consists of four guys who love nothing more than to play music, with a collection of songs that will set any gig, room and audience alive. About to tour nationwide as support to The Holloways.
Enjoy their magic.
A local MC who’s lyrical talent and word play had amazed many and raised a following; D-boy has been showcasing his talent around the city of Liverpool and with an EP in the works.
This will be the perfect atmosphere to witness possibly the next best thing to emerge from the city that has witnessed so many talents.
Plus DJs, Raffle.
MORE INFORMATION: Contact, David Charles, 07799292420.
Local music, global impact.
Monday 25th October 7pm-12.
The Picket
61 Jordan Street,
Venue Office:0151 708 6789
Oxfam GB is a registered charity,
(England and Wales No202918, Scotland SCO039042) & a member of Oxfam International.
Oxfam works with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering.
The Picket is supported by the City of Liverpool
Merseyside Polonia Forum - Home and Safety
You are invited for the next Merseyside Polonia Forum focused on topic of Home and Safety - Thursday, 28th October 2010, 6.30 pm at the Academy of St Francis of Assisi, Gardner's Drive, Liverpool L6 7UR.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Let me repeat that... "that was in the election"
People all over the country who voted for the Liberal Democrats in the General Election in 2010 continue to reel as one broken promise piles up on top of another. Some of the most shouted about and fundamental planks of the LibDem manifesto have been discarded with barely with a murmur, since the party went into coalition with the Conservatives.
Take for example VAT
Before the election, on April 8th 2010 Nick Clegg, LibDem leader and now our Deputy Prime Minister campaigned against Tory plans to raise VAT, saying “We will not have to raise VAT to deliver our promises. The Conservatives will. Let me repeat that: Our plans do not require a rise in VAT. The Tory plans do.”
May 11th - Liberal Democrat and Conservative coalition formed
June 20th - Emergency budget – VAT raised to 20% by Tory/LibDem coalition.
June 27th - Vince Cable, one of the most senior Liberal Democrat politicians, now a Secretary of State in the coalition government, told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show that his party's 'VAT bombshell' poster, a major campaigning point of the general election, was not to be taken seriously after polling day. "We were scoring a point against the Conservatives," he said. "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election. We're working with the Conservatives. We've reconciled our differences."
He was not kidding, was he?
Let’s look next at the oft repeated 2010 pledge to put 3000 more police on the street by scrapping id cards –
I am curious what they mean by “more and better police” incidentally, what is wrong with the police we have? Which ones were they not satisfied with?
This LibDem pledge to increase the number of police on the street, has been repeated before of course. In 2005 – The Real Alternative LibDem Manifesto said “More police out on the beat - cutting crime and the fear of crime. 10,000 extra police backed up by 20,000 community support officers. Part of a strong package on law and order which is tough, focused and smart.”
So imagine how shocked voters were to learn on June 29th from Sir Hugh Orde, President of the Association of Chief Police Officers that Tory/Lib Dem proposed potential of 25% as signalled in the emergency budget would mean significantly fewer police on the streets despite the popularity of bobbies on the beat among the public. Quotes from the Police Federation suggest cuts even as high as 40,000 officers within the next two, three or four years. Here on Merseyside police are poised to lose 800 officers and 1000 civilians alone.
So much for the promise of 3000 more bobbies on the beat.
Still what was it that Vince Cable said earlier? "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
Now the policy of abolishing student fees was the sacred cow of Liberal Democrat policy. Totally non-negotiable this was meant to be, they said in the manifesto that tuition fees should stay capped at just over £3000 per year, and that ultimately they should be scrapped. In the first year, final year students would see their fees abolished, in the second year part-time fees would begin to be scrapped, and eventually in the final year all first degree students would pay nothing.
So passionate were the LibDems about this, that they attracted a large share of the student vote in recent years and recruited students as campaigners for the cause. Many Parliamentary candidates were photographed signing a pledge not to vote for an increase in top-up fees, including Colin Eldridge here in Liverpool Wavertree and of course leader, Nick Clegg who posed proudly with students for his own photo opportunity.
And now? Well, the coalition is planning on removing the cap and allowing fees to rise to a limit somewhere around £7000 with a top limit of probably around £12000 per year for the top universities. With three Universities in Liverpool, and a large student population, the LibDems may have damaged their chances with this group for all time. Despite student anger, Mr Cable defended the plans as "fair and progressive". He told MPs that his previous pledge to scrap fees was "no longer feasible" - and that he saw proposals to raise fees as "on the right lines". I expect what he really meant to say was "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
And then there is the issue of votes for 16 year olds. It has long been another popular plank of LibDem policy (and one that I have always supported) that young people should get the vote at 16. The 2010 LibDem manifesto said “Introduce voting rights from age 16”. And yet just days ago on 18th October 2010, when they had the chance, LibDem MPs voted against letting 16 years old vote in the planned PR referendum – a real missed opportunity that would have really tested the water about levels of participation.
I really don't understand this particular broken promise, I am assuming it would not have cost any great deal more to have included young people in the referendum, they are already on the register, and we could have used this opportunity to hold some intense citizenship courses in schools and sixth forms, perhaps bringing in some elected representatives to help with the debate so that they understood both sides before casting their votes. Another reason for young people to turn away from the Liberal Democrats, I am sure.
There’s not much left of the Liberal Democrat manifesto now, it lies in tatters, trampled on in the pursuit of power at any price, barely worth the paper it was written on, the last few scraps then burned on a final pyre of principles.
But of course "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
Take for example VAT
Before the election, on April 8th 2010 Nick Clegg, LibDem leader and now our Deputy Prime Minister campaigned against Tory plans to raise VAT, saying “We will not have to raise VAT to deliver our promises. The Conservatives will. Let me repeat that: Our plans do not require a rise in VAT. The Tory plans do.”
May 11th - Liberal Democrat and Conservative coalition formed
June 20th - Emergency budget – VAT raised to 20% by Tory/LibDem coalition.
June 27th - Vince Cable, one of the most senior Liberal Democrat politicians, now a Secretary of State in the coalition government, told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show that his party's 'VAT bombshell' poster, a major campaigning point of the general election, was not to be taken seriously after polling day. "We were scoring a point against the Conservatives," he said. "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election. We're working with the Conservatives. We've reconciled our differences."
He was not kidding, was he?
Let’s look next at the oft repeated 2010 pledge to put 3000 more police on the street by scrapping id cards –
I am curious what they mean by “more and better police” incidentally, what is wrong with the police we have? Which ones were they not satisfied with?
This LibDem pledge to increase the number of police on the street, has been repeated before of course. In 2005 – The Real Alternative LibDem Manifesto said “More police out on the beat - cutting crime and the fear of crime. 10,000 extra police backed up by 20,000 community support officers. Part of a strong package on law and order which is tough, focused and smart.”
So imagine how shocked voters were to learn on June 29th from Sir Hugh Orde, President of the Association of Chief Police Officers that Tory/Lib Dem proposed potential of 25% as signalled in the emergency budget would mean significantly fewer police on the streets despite the popularity of bobbies on the beat among the public. Quotes from the Police Federation suggest cuts even as high as 40,000 officers within the next two, three or four years. Here on Merseyside police are poised to lose 800 officers and 1000 civilians alone.
So much for the promise of 3000 more bobbies on the beat.
Still what was it that Vince Cable said earlier? "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
Now the policy of abolishing student fees was the sacred cow of Liberal Democrat policy. Totally non-negotiable this was meant to be, they said in the manifesto that tuition fees should stay capped at just over £3000 per year, and that ultimately they should be scrapped. In the first year, final year students would see their fees abolished, in the second year part-time fees would begin to be scrapped, and eventually in the final year all first degree students would pay nothing.
So passionate were the LibDems about this, that they attracted a large share of the student vote in recent years and recruited students as campaigners for the cause. Many Parliamentary candidates were photographed signing a pledge not to vote for an increase in top-up fees, including Colin Eldridge here in Liverpool Wavertree and of course leader, Nick Clegg who posed proudly with students for his own photo opportunity.
And now? Well, the coalition is planning on removing the cap and allowing fees to rise to a limit somewhere around £7000 with a top limit of probably around £12000 per year for the top universities. With three Universities in Liverpool, and a large student population, the LibDems may have damaged their chances with this group for all time. Despite student anger, Mr Cable defended the plans as "fair and progressive". He told MPs that his previous pledge to scrap fees was "no longer feasible" - and that he saw proposals to raise fees as "on the right lines". I expect what he really meant to say was "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
And then there is the issue of votes for 16 year olds. It has long been another popular plank of LibDem policy (and one that I have always supported) that young people should get the vote at 16. The 2010 LibDem manifesto said “Introduce voting rights from age 16”. And yet just days ago on 18th October 2010, when they had the chance, LibDem MPs voted against letting 16 years old vote in the planned PR referendum – a real missed opportunity that would have really tested the water about levels of participation.
I really don't understand this particular broken promise, I am assuming it would not have cost any great deal more to have included young people in the referendum, they are already on the register, and we could have used this opportunity to hold some intense citizenship courses in schools and sixth forms, perhaps bringing in some elected representatives to help with the debate so that they understood both sides before casting their votes. Another reason for young people to turn away from the Liberal Democrats, I am sure.
There’s not much left of the Liberal Democrat manifesto now, it lies in tatters, trampled on in the pursuit of power at any price, barely worth the paper it was written on, the last few scraps then burned on a final pyre of principles.
But of course "That was in the election, we've now moved past the election.”
That's a lot of ring binders....
Stationery catalogues, who can resist them? Packs of highlighter pens shaped like daisies, file dividers in multi colours, shiny new desk tidies, blotter pads with marketing messages, box files for all the reciepts, and ring binders of course, in every colour and style. I could pore over them for hours.
And I am clearly not alone. It looks like someone in Tory controlled East Riding Council (Beverley, East Yorkshire) has been getting right into the "back to the school" spirit, judging by this entry I spotted in Contrax Weekly.
£600,000 will buy a hell of a lot of ringbinders (and clip boards and display files and clip files and report files and plastic wallets and card wallets and zip wallets and organisers and punched pockets and dividers and box files and suspension files and storage boxes)
I guess the paperless office is not for them....
And I am clearly not alone. It looks like someone in Tory controlled East Riding Council (Beverley, East Yorkshire) has been getting right into the "back to the school" spirit, judging by this entry I spotted in Contrax Weekly.
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Click the image to enlarge |
I guess the paperless office is not for them....
Monday, October 18, 2010
I’m Every Woman - creative writing for young women
I’m Every Woman
Writing on Wall is launching a new and exciting project.
As part of Wow’s program this year we will be running a six month project for young woman only. 'I’m Every Woman' is a creative writing, V-Jing and live performance project aimed at girls and young women age 13-19. The project will develop self esteem, confidence, and social and creative skills. There is a particular emphasis on personal and community safety, designed to empower participants to make positive life choices.
There will be a showcase and a 5 day residential as part of the project. Each session will be fun and creative, enabling individuals to engage with new people.
If you think you may be interested or know someone who might be, please refer them to:
Madeline Heneghan
Writing on the Wall
Tel: 0151 703 00020
Writing on Wall is launching a new and exciting project.
As part of Wow’s program this year we will be running a six month project for young woman only. 'I’m Every Woman' is a creative writing, V-Jing and live performance project aimed at girls and young women age 13-19. The project will develop self esteem, confidence, and social and creative skills. There is a particular emphasis on personal and community safety, designed to empower participants to make positive life choices.
There will be a showcase and a 5 day residential as part of the project. Each session will be fun and creative, enabling individuals to engage with new people.
If you think you may be interested or know someone who might be, please refer them to:
Madeline Heneghan
Writing on the Wall
Tel: 0151 703 00020
What's on around Halloween, Mischief Night and Bonfire night?
We are fast approaching the time of year when anti-social behaviour can become particularly problematic, I talk of course of Mischief night, Halloween and Bonfire Night. In Kensington and Fairfield the Youth Sub Group has put together a really good programme of events to ensure that there is plenty of alternative and diversionary activities that will be much more enjoyable than hanging around setting fire to things and playing with fireworks. All sorts of partners, community organisations and agencies have come together and this is their list of good stuff. Contact me if you want to know more about how to get involved, to bring your kids, or if you have any events you want to advertise and I will put you in touch with the right people.
Mischief Night – Saturday 30th October
Central Youth Club - weekend team will be supporting Fire Service - street based team ‘Firemageddon’ at the Low Hill fire station. Central Youth Club closed.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
Street based youth engagement team is out each night from 25th October – 7th November 6.30-9.30pm
‘Firemaggedon’ Event for young people aged 12+ at Low Hill station 7-10.30pm
Elm Park Residents Association and As One Community Safety Task Group
Disco and Fancy Dress Party @ Kensington Sports Centre 6 -9pm for young people up to 11 years. 350 tickets being distributed across the area.
Edge Hill Youth Club – Seniors Scary Walk meet at Edge Hill Youth Club at 8pm.
Kensington Fields Community Association – young people from KFCA performing at the As One Disco and fancy dress party @ Kensington Sports Centre from 6 – 9pm
Kensington Sports centre
Discussions are ongoing about any options of free sports provision for young people on these evenings
Halloween – Sunday 31st October
Central Youth Club will be hosting a CSI and Halloween night with games and buffet included. 6.30 -9.30pm
Central Detached Youth Team will be out on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service – Street Based youth engagement teams will be on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Edge Hill Youth Club have organised a trip to Farmaggedon in the evening
Bonfire Night – Friday 5th November
Newsham Park Fireworks Event - Liverpool City Council
Free to all starts at 7.30pm in Newsham Park.
Central Youth Club will be hosting a bonfire night BBQ and games 6.30-9.30pm
Central Detached Youth Team will be on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Street Based Youth Engagement team will have one team in Newsham Park and one team on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Mischief Night – Saturday 30th October
Central Youth Club - weekend team will be supporting Fire Service - street based team ‘Firemageddon’ at the Low Hill fire station. Central Youth Club closed.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
Street based youth engagement team is out each night from 25th October – 7th November 6.30-9.30pm
‘Firemaggedon’ Event for young people aged 12+ at Low Hill station 7-10.30pm
Elm Park Residents Association and As One Community Safety Task Group
Disco and Fancy Dress Party @ Kensington Sports Centre 6 -9pm for young people up to 11 years. 350 tickets being distributed across the area.
Edge Hill Youth Club – Seniors Scary Walk meet at Edge Hill Youth Club at 8pm.
Kensington Fields Community Association – young people from KFCA performing at the As One Disco and fancy dress party @ Kensington Sports Centre from 6 – 9pm
Kensington Sports centre
Discussions are ongoing about any options of free sports provision for young people on these evenings
Halloween – Sunday 31st October
Central Youth Club will be hosting a CSI and Halloween night with games and buffet included. 6.30 -9.30pm
Central Detached Youth Team will be out on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service – Street Based youth engagement teams will be on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Edge Hill Youth Club have organised a trip to Farmaggedon in the evening
Bonfire Night – Friday 5th November
Newsham Park Fireworks Event - Liverpool City Council
Free to all starts at 7.30pm in Newsham Park.
Central Youth Club will be hosting a bonfire night BBQ and games 6.30-9.30pm
Central Detached Youth Team will be on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Street Based Youth Engagement team will have one team in Newsham Park and one team on the streets from 6.30-9.30pm
Get online in Kensington and Fairfield
Do you want to get started with computers???
Kensington Community Learning Centre (KCLC) will help you get to grips with computers and the internet with their FREE and EASY computer courses, and show you how to save time, money and hassle.
KCLC (opposite McDonalds) is holding a GET ONLINE DAY as part of the UK Online Centres national GET ONLINE WEEK campaign, on Thursday 21st October - 10.00 til 3.00 There will be refreshments, FREE prize draws every hour with fantastic prizes donated by local businesses, and plenty of help and support from qualified tutors and volunteers to help get you online.
Kensington Community Learning Centre (KCLC) will help you get to grips with computers and the internet with their FREE and EASY computer courses, and show you how to save time, money and hassle.
KCLC (opposite McDonalds) is holding a GET ONLINE DAY as part of the UK Online Centres national GET ONLINE WEEK campaign, on Thursday 21st October - 10.00 til 3.00 There will be refreshments, FREE prize draws every hour with fantastic prizes donated by local businesses, and plenty of help and support from qualified tutors and volunteers to help get you online.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Your Community Matters
Your Community Matters
Kensington & Fairfield Ward
Cottenham Baptist Church
5 Coleridge Street, Kensington, L6 6BT
Tuesday 19 October 2010
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Want to make a difference?
Come along and help make your community better, with police, council officers, ward
councillors, other agencies and local people from your community.
To find out more
or call 0151 227 5177
Refreshments will be provided.
Accompanied children are very welcome to attend
Kensington & Fairfield Ward
Cottenham Baptist Church
5 Coleridge Street, Kensington, L6 6BT
Tuesday 19 October 2010
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Want to make a difference?
Come along and help make your community better, with police, council officers, ward
councillors, other agencies and local people from your community.
To find out more
or call 0151 227 5177
Refreshments will be provided.
Accompanied children are very welcome to attend
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Halloween Lantern Workshop in Kensington
Do please come to this great workshop on Saturday - and bring the kids
Make a lantern for Halloween to take on the parade in Sefton Park
Make a lantern for Halloween to take on the parade in Sefton Park
Monday, October 11, 2010
Kensington and Fairfield Police Report, October 2010
I have been sent the latest police report for our ward which I thought you might be interested in. It also covers part of Tuebrook and Edge Hill, as the police boundaries are not coterminus with the council wards.
As well as an update on the crimes committed and detected in the area of late, it also tells you what work the police have been doing to concentrate on your priorities. I would be interested in your feedback.
As well as an update on the crimes committed and detected in the area of late, it also tells you what work the police have been doing to concentrate on your priorities. I would be interested in your feedback.
Kathakali in Liverpool
Kathakali – An ancient Dance-Drama from the South Indian State of Kerala is coming to Liverpool.
On behalf of LIMCA, I’m delighted to invite you to the programme on Sunday, 17th October at the Broadgreen International School, Heliers Road (Off Broadgreen Road), Old Swan, Liverpool, L13 4DH. The Kathakali performance starts at 5pm.
Prior to the Kathakali, there will be some cultural programmes by LIMCA from 3pm onwards. The event is FREE and open to all.
Kathakali was originated in the temples of Kerala more than 600 years ago. The brightly coloured costumes, three dimensional makeup and elaborate body movements makes Kathakali quite unique. Kathakali uses "Mudras" (a type of sign language which is 4000 years old) to communicate the story. Kathakali is based on Hinduism. Stories from the epic of Mahabharata are portrayed in Kathakali. More details of Kathakali can be found at
A leaflet of the event is attached for your information. Please feel free to bring along your family/friends/colleagues.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or would like to know more about the event.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Your money, your choice
During November there will be a series of ward based community funding events, where residents will be able to vote on funding for local projects.
‘Cleaner, Safer, Greener’ provides small grants to local community groups who have ideas for projects that help make their neighbourhood a better place to live. Projects can range from community clean-ups through to projects that help make communities safer or that bring people together.
Kensington and Fairfield has a total funding allocation of £8,975.00.
Decisions on the allocation of funds to the projects will be made via Participatory Budgeting (PB), a process whereby ward residents are invited to an event to vote on proposals submitted by groups within their ward. All applicants will be required to deliver a short 3 minute presentation on their proposal at the PB meeting and answer questions on their bids.
The deadline for applications for all those participating wards is 12 noon on Friday 15th October
For an application form and further details please contact The Grants Team at LCVS - the team are happy to help groups with support and advice on making their application so if you are interested in applying please call on 227 5177 or email
The event where you can vote for your preferred options, has been pencilled in for 9th November, probably at St Francis of Assisi Academy. Watch this space for more information.
‘Cleaner, Safer, Greener’ provides small grants to local community groups who have ideas for projects that help make their neighbourhood a better place to live. Projects can range from community clean-ups through to projects that help make communities safer or that bring people together.
Kensington and Fairfield has a total funding allocation of £8,975.00.
Decisions on the allocation of funds to the projects will be made via Participatory Budgeting (PB), a process whereby ward residents are invited to an event to vote on proposals submitted by groups within their ward. All applicants will be required to deliver a short 3 minute presentation on their proposal at the PB meeting and answer questions on their bids.
The deadline for applications for all those participating wards is 12 noon on Friday 15th October
For an application form and further details please contact The Grants Team at LCVS - the team are happy to help groups with support and advice on making their application so if you are interested in applying please call on 227 5177 or email
The event where you can vote for your preferred options, has been pencilled in for 9th November, probably at St Francis of Assisi Academy. Watch this space for more information.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Kensington Art Installation?
I have not yet had the pleasure of a proper look round the Liverpool Biennial Art Exhibits, I shall try to find some time for that this weekend.
However, in the meantime, Wendy and I spotted this special installation in Kensington which I shall call "A room with a view". Like all good art, it has become a real talking point.
Imagine, the gable wall has to come down, maybe it falls down, and you have to hire builders, order a skip, buy bricks, sort out the cement mixer, get scaffolding, and a protective fence, such a lot of work to do. I suppose it is easy to overlook the furniture splendidly displayed in each room. I don't envy the new tenants that will move in after the work is finished, it has been raining heavily in Liverpool for days. Those beds will be a little damp to say the least...!
However, in the meantime, Wendy and I spotted this special installation in Kensington which I shall call "A room with a view". Like all good art, it has become a real talking point.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
The Brothers
- I do vaguely remember a television series with this name, from the 70's, didn't it have something to do with haulage? That may be apt, because the Labour Party's fight back might be a bit of a long haul, given the Tory/LibDem plans to exclude the possibility of a General Election before 2015. But the Party has made a start this week, choosing its new leader. And as I said in an earlier blog, I voted for Ed, although David was my second choice, I guess I was a fan of "The Brothers", whichever way the voting went.
I don't usually comment on national political matters unless they are of relevance to the residents in my ward, or particular to my region, but occasionally some stories come along where I feel I ought perhaps to offer my few pennyworth.
This is such a time.
A few things strike me about the announcement that following Ed Miliband's election to leader, older brother David has decided not to seek office in the Shadow Cabinet.
I think it is a real shame and a loss to the Labour Party and ultimately the country that David has taken this course of action. But I quite understand why. In many ways it would be impossible for them to work together, not because they are not perfectly capable of it, but because the media and political observers, would always be looking for an angle, ratcheting up any political disagreements, using the "brothers" dimension.
So if David wanted to propose a particular course of action or policy that was in any way controversial, Ed would be accused of either nepotism if he supported it (is it still called nepotism if it is fraternal?), or the media would point to brotherly disunity if he did not. It would also make it difficult for David to be critical of any of Ed's proposals. It is tough enough having to manage collective shadow/cabinet responsibilities without this extra dimension. I don't see how they would be able to manage this.
I recall Alastair Campbell resigning from his job at number 10 when he "became the story", something very similar would happen here.
I think the line that pundits are taking over this has been very unfortunate. The ultimate reasoning that one must apply from the whole coverage of the leadership campaign in respect of these two being brothers, that one has usurped the other's crown, that it must be difficult for their Mum (which of course it must be) is that siblings should not follow each other into politics.
In centuries gone by, in the upper classes, it was traditional for each son to follow a different career, one would inherit the title and the land, one perhaps join the army, one go into the church. We ought to have left all that behind us a long time ago, there is no earthly reason why siblings or partners should not share the same career hopes, but it would seem that only one should try to make it to the top in politics. Otherwise your relationship with your sibling or partner that you have been in competition with, becomes the story.
Is this what we want? That people should be forced to sacrifice their own passions and aspirations because our media are incapable of seeing further than the family rivalry? I think it is a terrible shame.
I don't usually comment on national political matters unless they are of relevance to the residents in my ward, or particular to my region, but occasionally some stories come along where I feel I ought perhaps to offer my few pennyworth.
This is such a time.
A few things strike me about the announcement that following Ed Miliband's election to leader, older brother David has decided not to seek office in the Shadow Cabinet.
I think it is a real shame and a loss to the Labour Party and ultimately the country that David has taken this course of action. But I quite understand why. In many ways it would be impossible for them to work together, not because they are not perfectly capable of it, but because the media and political observers, would always be looking for an angle, ratcheting up any political disagreements, using the "brothers" dimension.
So if David wanted to propose a particular course of action or policy that was in any way controversial, Ed would be accused of either nepotism if he supported it (is it still called nepotism if it is fraternal?), or the media would point to brotherly disunity if he did not. It would also make it difficult for David to be critical of any of Ed's proposals. It is tough enough having to manage collective shadow/cabinet responsibilities without this extra dimension. I don't see how they would be able to manage this.
I recall Alastair Campbell resigning from his job at number 10 when he "became the story", something very similar would happen here.
I think the line that pundits are taking over this has been very unfortunate. The ultimate reasoning that one must apply from the whole coverage of the leadership campaign in respect of these two being brothers, that one has usurped the other's crown, that it must be difficult for their Mum (which of course it must be) is that siblings should not follow each other into politics.
In centuries gone by, in the upper classes, it was traditional for each son to follow a different career, one would inherit the title and the land, one perhaps join the army, one go into the church. We ought to have left all that behind us a long time ago, there is no earthly reason why siblings or partners should not share the same career hopes, but it would seem that only one should try to make it to the top in politics. Otherwise your relationship with your sibling or partner that you have been in competition with, becomes the story.
Is this what we want? That people should be forced to sacrifice their own passions and aspirations because our media are incapable of seeing further than the family rivalry? I think it is a terrible shame.
Writing on the Wall Young Writers Group shorlisted for BeMOBO award
Message from Madeline Heneghan.
We are delighted to announce that WoW's Liverpool Young Writers Project has been short listed for a BeMOBO award at this years Music of Black Origin Award Ceremony which will be held in Liverpool on 20th October. The BeMOBO "honours individuals and organisations who make a real difference to the lives of others within society".
This achievement is a real testament to the energy and dynamism of the young people and those who work with them, and is also recognition of the group's commitment to both the future of their communities, and to spoken-word art.
To vote for the Young Writers please visit
You need to register but that only takes a few seconds.
To view some of the Liverpool Young Writers in performance please visit
We are delighted to announce that WoW's Liverpool Young Writers Project has been short listed for a BeMOBO award at this years Music of Black Origin Award Ceremony which will be held in Liverpool on 20th October. The BeMOBO "honours individuals and organisations who make a real difference to the lives of others within society".
This achievement is a real testament to the energy and dynamism of the young people and those who work with them, and is also recognition of the group's commitment to both the future of their communities, and to spoken-word art.
To vote for the Young Writers please visit
You need to register but that only takes a few seconds.
To view some of the Liverpool Young Writers in performance please visit
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