Friday, July 07, 2006

Graffiti "contracts" with utilities


This Council notes the agreement between Swindon Borough Council, Thames
Water and Royal Mail which has been signed. It commits both companies to
removing graffiti from their on-street property within 28 days of it being reported,
or within 24 hours if it is obscene or racist in nature. It is hoped that the charter
could be extended to include other utility companies and service providers and
cover items such as electricity sub-stations and on-street electrical cabinets.

Until recently, local authorities had no powers to remove graffiti on utility
company infrastructure, but changes to the law in April this year means that
Councils can issue a legally-enforceable removal notice on the owners.

However, the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 says that all
local authorities must try to reach voluntary service agreements with telecom
and utility companies before resorting to enforcement. A similar agreement
launched in Sheffield in 2004 now has more than 100 participants, including
national as well as local companies.

This Council requests that in light of the Clean Neighbourhoods and
Environment Act 2005 and the agreements set up between Sheffield and
Swindon Councils and utility companies for a partnership programme for graffiti
and fly poster removal from utility street furniture, that the Executive Member for
Environment and Heritage looks into Liverpool City Council entering intodiscussion with the utility companies to get a similar agreement in place

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